May God’s peace and grace be with you today and always. The United Presbyterian Women’s Group welcomes all the ladies to come together to praise and worship our loving Savior, Jesus Christ.
We enjoy several special events each year:
Gifts of Women Sunday
Quarterly luncheons
Monthly Bible Studies
September through May
The PW monthly bible study will be the 2024-2025 on the “Sabbath Challenge” by Paul M. Burns. It is a study on the 3rd Monday of each month at 6:00 pm. Open to any woman who is interested.
The Annual Cookie Walk
This is our fundraiser where we include the cookie baking men and women of the Church in this effort. The first Saturday in December is the Cookie Walk. Sign up and start baking! The proceeds are divided between PW and local charities.
Please join your fellow UPC Stitchers and Crafters at 6:30 pm in the Commons area every LAST TUESDAY of the month.
Bring your friends, too!
Bring your latest project or choose yarn from our UPC YARN SHELF and begin something new. If you would like to attend and do not know how to knit or crochet, WE CAN TEACH YOU!
Want to just visit? We would love to have you join us!
For questions – contact Susie Geer – (903) 513-6011
Quarterly Luncheon
As with any organization, we have quarterly business meetings. These meetings include a program, business meeting and luncheon. The involvement of our ladies strengthens our efforts to spread the message of our Lord. Join us for fellowship, wonderful food, a short program and a little work.
For more information, call the church office or send an email.