The mission of the UPREACH Committee is to plan, implement, and supervise activities conducive to meaningful public and private worship. This committee is responsible for working with the pastor(s) in the structuring of the worship service, in accordance with the guidelines established in the Directory for Worship in the Book of Order of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.); preparing the physical facilities and elements for all worship, including the observance of the sacraments; supervision of the Director of Music and Accompanist; recruiting, training, and organizing the auxiliary personnel necessary for worship services, such as ushers, communion servers, and candle lighters; and securing pulpit supply ministers as needed.
Committee Chair: Ruling Elder Pat Penland
The mission of the CHILDREN AND YOUTH Committee is to plan a meaningful total church education program for all members of the church to the end that all may grow in grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. This committee is responsible for securing and training leadership, as well as finding, evaluating, and procuring appropriate curriculum and necessary supplies for all educational activities of the church. The Christian Education Committee is thus responsible for the Sunday church school; non-Sunday educational activities; Vacation Bible School; youth groups; supervision of a Director of Christian Education, if applicable; supervision of a Youth Minister, if applicable; the nursery, including proper staff and equipment; and maintaining the church library.
Committee Chair: Ruling Elder Melanie Marsh
The mission of the INREACH is to facilitate communication and interaction between the members of the church family. This committee is responsible for church family nights and fellowship dinners; church-wide retreats or picnics; athletic programs, activities, and organizations; adult organizations; communications and care of members.
Committee Chair: Ruling Elder Ann Jarvis
The mission of the OUTREACH Committee is to supervise the planning and implementation of programs and activities which shall facilitate the church’s witness to and evangelism of those persons who are not active members of the church, that they might be brought to Christ and active membership in the church. This committee is responsible for overseeing the continual seeking, welcoming, and visiting non-members of the church; preparation and dissemination of publicity to make the community aware of the presence of the church, its programs and mission; planning, promoting, and supervising benevolent outreach efforts which will demonstrate the church’s commitment to the teachings and ministry of Jesus Christ.
Committee Chair: Ruling Elder Kathy Hogue
The mission of the STEWARDSHIP AND FINANCE is to plan, implement, and supervise programs and activities which will encourage the development of every member’s time, talents, and financial resources in service to Jesus Christ and His Church. The Stewardship Committee shall oversee the interpretation and subscription of the annual church budget; provide for year-round interpretation of stewardship both in local church and higher judicatories; provide for the mechanics of gathering and counting the offerings and for keeping full records of income and expenditures; make recommendations to the Session concerning special offerings and facilitating the collection and accounting of those offerings; annually review the church roll; and cause an annual audit to be made of the financial records of the church, in conformity with the provisions of the Book of Order of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
Committee Chair: Ruling Elder Nancy Manning
The mission of the PROPERTY Committee is to plan for and provide suitable physical facilities for use by the church, its members, and organizations, and for approved community programs and/or organizations. This committee is responsible for the general maintenance and repair of the church properties; contracting and supervising all janitorial and lawn services; ensuring the security, to the extent possible, of the physical property and contents; planning to ensure that sufficient space and appropriate facilities will be available to support the present and future programs and activities of the church. All recommendations or requests for modifications, improvements, or additions must be considered by this committee before final Session approval.
Committee Chair: Ruling Elder John Wasson
The mission of the PERSONNEL Committee is to coordinate the expectations of the staff of the church and the congregation. This includes ordained and non-ordained staff. The Personnel Committee will consist of the chairs from Worship, Property, Christian Education, a representative from Stewardship, the clerk of Session, and the pastor(s). Under the direction of the Session, the committee will meet at least annually with every staff member to review their performance. The committee has the responsibility to suggest changes in compensation for employees and terms of call for the pastor(s). This committee will annually review, update, and create job descriptions for all staff. The Personnel Committee will also supervise the administrative assistant.
Committee Chair: Ruling Elder Marsha Fincher, Clerk of Session
The mission of the Tech Team is to provide audiovisual support to Sunday worship services. Members of the team set up and operate the sound system and video camera, stream the service to Facebook, and archive the recordings to Facebook. As needed, the team also arranges for audiovisual support to other events such as National Night Out or congregational meals and gatherings in the commons.
Committee Chair: Ruling Elder Pat Penland
The mission of the UPC Safety Team is to provide a sense of safety to our members and guests. The team is composed of a Director, Team Leader and members who will concentrate on severe weather threats, fire hazards, child protection, first aid and violent behavior(vandalism, mischief and the possibility of an active shooter)
Team members will receive training in their individual areas and arrange training for other team members. They will also maintain contact information for local fire responders ( fire department and police).
Committee Chair: Ruling Elder John Hill